5 Research-Backed Tips for Increasing Sales on Shopify

Our friends at SpeedSize have dropped an excellent blog we think you out to read! As site speed specialists, they bring you the top 5 tips for increasing your sales on your Shopify store:

Launching an online store on Shopify is an exciting venture, but the odds are stacked against you. The harsh reality is that many store owners face challenges they didn’t anticipate.

In fact, 95% of Shopify stores fail, leaving only a small fraction to grow into successful businesses. This shows the importance of not only driving traffic to your store but also ensuring that your site is optimized to convert visitors into paying customers.

In this article, we will discuss five tips that can help you increase sales on Shopify and position your store for success.

Why You Are Not Making Sales Despite Getting Traffic

You’ve done the hard part: driving traffic to your Shopify store. Yet, despite a steady flow of visitors, conversion is not encouraging. If your sales are different from your traffic, it could be due to several common pitfalls.

Here are some of the main factors that might be holding your store back:

Your Store Is Not Mobile-Optimized

Mobile devices have become the main gateway for online shopping. With 65% of all web traffic from mobile devices, failing to optimize your Shopify store for mobile users can impact your sales.

Imagine a potential customer clicks on your ad or finds your store through a search engine, but when they land on your site, they encounter a clunky, slow-loading, and hard-to-navigate interface. Frustrated, they leave your site and head to a competitor’s store that offers a seamless mobile experience.

A mobile-optimized store goes beyond resizing your desktop site to fit smaller screens. It involves designing an intuitive and user-friendly user experience on mobile devices.

This means ensuring that buttons are easily clickable, text is readable without zooming in, images load quickly and clearly, and the overall layout is clean and simple.

When your store is mobile-optimized, customers can effortlessly browse your products, add items to their cart, and complete purchases, all from their smartphone or tablet.

Moreover, mobile optimization affects your store’s visibility in search engines. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, meaning that if your store isn’t optimized for mobile, it’s likely being pushed down in search rankings, leading to less traffic and fewer sales.

In a nutshell, if your Shopify store isn’t mobile-optimized, you’re potentially missing out on a significant chunk of sales. Since most online shoppers are using their mobile devices to browse and buy, ensure your store is mobile-friendly to stay competitive.


Poor Store Navigation

When visitors can’t easily find what they’re looking for, they are more likely to become frustrated and leave your site, resulting in lost sales.

If your store’s menu is overloaded with options, it can overwhelm visitors, making it hard for them to locate products. A clear, well-organized menu that categorizes products logically is important. For instance, grouping items by type, collection, or customer needs helps streamline the shopping experience.

Also, labels that are vague or too creative can confuse shoppers. Use straightforward and descriptive labels for categories, ensuring customers know exactly what they’ll find when they click.

For example, instead of using “Our Favorites” as a category, a more explicit label like “Best Sellers” or “Top-Rated Products” can guide customers better.

Even if customers find what they want, a complicated checkout process can deter them from completing a purchase. Simplifying the checkout process by reducing the number of steps and offering multiple payment options can improve conversion rates.


Poor Product Page

A poorly designed product page can be a barrier to making sales on Shopify, no matter how much traffic your store attracts. Your product page is where customers decide whether to make a purchase, so it needs to be compelling, informative, and easy to navigate.

Customers must know what they are buying. A vague or incomplete product description can leave potential buyers with unanswered questions, leading them to abandon the purchase.

Also, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is true in eCommerce. Customers may hesitate to buy If your product images are low-quality, blurry, or fail to show the product from different angles.

Your product images should be clear and well-lit, and showcase the product from multiple perspectives. Including zoom functionality lets customers get a closer look, thereby enhancing their confidence in the product.

Furthermore, if your product page lacks trust signals such as customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials, potential buyers may be sceptical about the quality of your products.

Tips for Increasing Sales

To maximize your sales on Shopify, implement strategies that have been proven effective. Here are five tips that can help you increase your conversion rates and boost revenue:

Make Your Store Load Fast

Speed is an important factor in e-commerce success. Research reveals that 47% of online shoppers expect a store page to load in under 2 seconds. If your Shopify store doesn’t meet this benchmark, you’re likely losing nearly half of your potential customers before they even see what you have to offer.

A slow-loading website frustrates and drives them away, increasing bounce rates and resulting in missed sales opportunities. Studies have shown that even a delay of a few seconds can significantly decrease conversion rates.

For example, a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% reduction in conversions. When customers encounter slow-loading pages, they’re more likely to abandon their shopping carts and look for faster alternatives.

To address these challenges and optimize your store’s load times, AI media optimization platforms like SpeedSize offer a powerful solution. SpeedSize is designed to make your Shopify store faster and more efficient. Here’s how it works:

  • SpeedSize’s advanced algorithms analyse each media file—images, videos, and other assets—at the pixel level. This analysis identifies and removes data imperceptible to the human eye, resulting in smaller file sizes without sacrificing quality.
  • The platform auto-delivers the perfect media variation for each device and browser, ensuring your content loads quickly regardless of the user’s device or connection speed.
  • By reducing media file sizes by 90-99%, SpeedSize improves load times. Faster load times translate to a smoother, more enjoyable shopping experience, keeping visitors engaged and more likely to complete their purchases.


Use High-Quality Product Images and Videos

High-quality images and videos are important components of a successful online store. According to Google research, 50% of online shoppers find images helpful in purchasing decisions.

High-resolution, detailed photos allow potential buyers to better understand what they are buying, leading to increased confidence and a higher likelihood of completing a transaction.

Videos are equally powerful, with 50% of marketers incorporating video into their marketing strategies. Videos provide a dynamic way to showcase products, demonstrate their use, and highlight key features that static images might not convey.

They offer a more immersive experience, allowing shoppers to see products in action, which can be a decisive factor in their buying decision.

Also, visual content is highly shareable. Up to 40% of product visuals are shared across social media platforms, amplifying your brand’s reach and attracting potential customers.

High-quality images and videos draw in users and encourage them to share your content with their network, creating organic growth and increased brand exposure.

While high-quality visuals are crucial, ensuring they load quickly and efficiently on all devices is equally important. This is where SpeedSize comes in.

SpeedSize helps you maintain the visual appeal of your products while ensuring they perform optimally on your Shopify store.


Retarget Visitors

Even with a steady stream of traffic to your Shopify store, converting visitors into customers can be challenging. The average website conversion rate in the eCommerce market hovers around 1.65%.

This statistic highlights an important opportunity: most of your visitors—98.35%—leave without making a purchase. This is where retargeting can make a powerful impact.

Retargeting, or remarketing, is a strategy designed to re-engage visitors who have previously interacted with your store but did not complete a purchase. You keep your brand top of mind and encourage potential customers to return to your store by showing them targeted ads as they browse other websites or social media platforms.

Research shows that retargeted users are 70% more likely to convert than those not exposed to retargeting efforts. This increased likelihood of conversion can be attributed to the enhanced brand recall and the reminder of products visitors showed interest in.

Implementing a robust retargeting strategy can boost your conversion rates and sales. Use retargeting tools and ads to remind potential customers of their initial interest, and tailor your messaging to address their previous interactions with your store.


Offer Personalized Shopping Experience

Personalization in e-commerce increases sales and customer satisfaction. Think With Google’s research highlights that shoppers are 40% more likely to spend more than planned when they encounter a personalized shopping experience.

To offer a personalized shopping experience, gather and analyze customer data. Tools like Google Analytics, Shopify’s built-in analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and purchasing patterns.

Also, you can personalize your prospects’ shopping experience through tailored product recommendations. Use algorithms to analyse past browsing and purchasing behaviour to suggest relevant products to each customer.

For example, if a customer frequently browses for fitness apparel, presenting them with a curated list of new arrivals or best-sellers in that category can enhance their shopping experience and increase the likelihood of buying.

More so, personalized promotions can drive higher sales. By analysing customer data, you can create targeted discounts or special offers relevant to each user.

For example, a discount on a customer’s favourite product category or a special deal on items they’ve previously shown interest in can encourage them to purchase. Personalized offers can also be based on past purchase behaviour, such as sending a discount code for a product that complements a recent purchase.

Furthermore, a personalized shopping experience goes beyond product recommendations and targeted offers. It involves creating a seamless and engaging shopping journey.

For instance, integrating personalized email campaigns that follow up on abandoned carts, offering personalized customer support through live chat, or creating tailored content like blog posts and guides can further enhance the shopping experience.

When customers feel that a store understands their needs and provides relevant solutions, they are more likely to engage with the brand and purchase.


Share Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are a powerful tool for increasing sales on Shopify. Social proof plays a significant role in a shopper’s decision-making process. According to research, 93% of new customers look for reviews before buying a new product or service.

Positive reviews not only build trust but also give potential buyers the confidence that others have had a positive experience with your products. When visitors see that others have enjoyed your product, they’re more likely to follow suit, thereby increasing your conversion rate.

In addition, reviews can address common concerns or questions, reducing the hesitation a buyer might have.

These tips will help you maximize the impact of customer reviews:

  • Display reviews directly on product pages where they are easily accessible.
  • Ask your customers to share specifics about their experience, such as the product’s quality, usability, and standout features.
  • Feature a mix of reviews catering to different types of shoppers, from first-time buyers to repeat customers.
Wrapping Up

Increasing sales on Shopify is not just about driving traffic; it’s about creating a seamless, engaging shopping experience that converts visitors into loyal customers.

You’re setting your store up for success by ensuring your store loads quickly, using high-quality product images and videos, retargeting visitors, offering personalized shopping experiences, and showcasing customer reviews.

SpeedSize understands the importance of these elements, especially when it comes to fast-loading stores that capture and retain customer attention. Implementing these tips can make a difference in your sales performance.

If you’re ready to see how SpeedSize can help enhance your store’s performance, visit the website to learn how it works.

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